Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10-28-09 Stride 5

Did you know the average American chews 300 sticks of gum per year? Chewing gum has been around since 1870 and was invented by Thomas Adams. The brand Wrigley gum is the largest company and there are over 20 chewing gum manufactures in the United States. I always buy Stride 5 gum and I have always liked their packaging. I went on the website for Stride gum ( , but I could not find anything about the packaging and design of the gum. All the website had was advertisements, new flavors, and games. I searched on Google and found that the gum is called “Stride 5” because Wrigley thinks it excites a person’s five senses: sound, taste, smell, touch, and sight. Also each piece of gum only has 5 calories. The Stride 5 gum package is unique because of its sleek design; and has a tab on the flap of the package with ridges on it so it opens and closes smoothly. I think the design being so “cool” looking is targeted for teens and young adults because that age group always wants to look “cool.”

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